Candidate Name: Mark Smith

Candidate Age: 34

Current/ Previous role: Advisory Manager

Synopsis: Mark is a confident Qualified Chartered Accountant who completed his articles at a Big Four Audit firm and holds extensive experience within the Power Industry. His entrepreneurial flare allows him to not only find problems but find effective ways of solving them.

Candidate Name: Kagiso Molelu

Candidate Age: 37

Current/ Previous role: IFRS 7 Disclosure Specialist 

Synopsis: Kagiso is a Qualified Chartered Accountant who holds extensive experience within the financial services and automotive industries. After completing his articles at Deloitte he was employed as a Senior Financial Controller where he was responsible for the Designing, Developing and Maintaining systems and processes. In addition, he was employed at Mercedes Benz where he was responsible for providing an accounting treatment opinion on the treatment of leased contracts in terms of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and the designing, documenting and implementing of inventory controls